Book Kristen on your Podcast!

I'd love to chat with you.

I know the process of faith reconstruction can feel daunting, isolating, and confusing.

It is hard work.

I'd love to talk about the hard work of faith reconstruction with you.


Kristen is a recovering fundamentalist who believes that truth, faith, and the sovereignty of God will survive deconstruction and are critical components of healthy reconstruction. She loves literary analysis and reading scripture with an analyst's eye. She lives in rural Ohio with her husband--Russ, daughter--Kate, faithful dog--Lucy, and her grandma's cat--Butters (that's a story for another day). When her parents aren't snowbirds, they join the party in their mother-in-law's suite, affectionately referred to as Cabin B.

Writing weekly on her blog and social media channels, Kristen helps survivors of church hurt, religious trauma, and spiritual abuse heal and find peace in their faith again. She balances deep dives into scripture with narratives from her own life and church experiences, always connecting with her reader and making faith, the bible, and her teaching relatable and applicable to today’s world. In her upcoming book, “Breathing Again: Finding Peace While Navigating Faith Reconstruction,” Kristen guides her readers through their reconstruction journeys while sharing the details of her own. 

Why I wrote “Breathing Again”:

I grew up in a rural community and attended two small evangelical/verging on fundamental highly controlling churches. From birth, I was taught my brotherhood of churches was the only church preaching “truth.” I believed this wholeheartedly. In fact, when I was in elementary school, I actually put my best friend on the prayer list because she went to a Presbyterian Church with a female pastor, and I was worried she was going to Hell.

The scary part of this whole experience is this: No one batted an eyelash at my prayer request. The very adults teaching my Sunday School class encouraged this behavior. 

Throughout my adolescence and early twenties, I continued to be brainwashed with cherry-picked scripture and taught to argue against everyone who believed differently. It wasn’t until I went to Christian College and sat in a “Christian Beliefs” course that I realized my church was founded in the early 1900s. I remember questioning how anyone went to heaven before then. While no one said it, I think I subconsciously believed Peter’s church was the same as mine.

Through a series of unfortunate events, unbelievable tragedies, and a disastrous marriage, my world slowly unraveled, and with it, so did the theology I had been raised in. Over several years, I deconstructed everything I had been taught and then reconstructed a faith of my own with fresh eyes, an open mind, and an entirely new perspective.

As God kept prodding me to write, this passion for faith reconstruction and helping others through it kept growing and growing. Eventually, I knew I had to write the book I wished I had while I was on my journey. And, “Breathing Again” was born. Throughout the book, I write about my individual journey while offering applicable steps to help others navigate their own journeys and discover a shame-free faith where they can breathe again.

What I can offer your audience:

  • Honesty 

  • Genuine Dialogue

  • Empathy

  • First-Hand Experience

  • An example of healing

  • An understanding of the grief involved with faith deconstruction/reconstruction

  • Hope

Some questions you could ask:

  • How would you describe your experiences with faith growing up?

  • What was the catalyst for your faith deconstruction/reconstruction?

  • What was the emotional toll of faith deconstruction/reconstruction?

  • How did you learn to talk about your journey?

  • What was the most difficult part of your journey?

  • What process would you suggest for someone on this journey?

  • What role does grief play in this journey?

  • How do you find community after deconstruction/reconstruction?

  • What happens when you want to find a church after faith reconstruction?

  • How do you figure out what you believe during faith reconstruction?

  • How do you handle triggers on this journey?

  • How do you help others determine their priorities on their journey?

Kristen’s Links:

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