Writing can feel like a lonely and isolating journey, can't it?
Before I joined Hope*Writers and Hope*Books, I struggled to find a network and community of other writers who understood the struggles and wanted to walk with me on this journey.
It was a lonely and frustrating place to be.
I was constantly wondering if I was doing it "right," if anyone was reading my words, how to develop my social media presence, and how to connect with my target audience.
Then, add a serious case of imposter syndrome heaped on top of all those other emotions.
Does this sound familiar to you at all?
I'm so grateful for the community and opportunities I've found within the Hope*Media community--so grateful, in fact, I decided I needed to dedicate my time to helping other Hope*Writers achieve their dreams in the same way Hope*Media has allowed me to achieve my own.
Do you have a dream and passion to get your message out into the world, but you're finding yourself struggling through all the details of the writing world today?
I get it...completely.
Did you think when you first set out on this writing journey you could simply write and the rest would magically happen?
I get it...completely.
Are you overwhelmed and struggling to figure out:
your niche?
your audience?
your purpose?
your authentic voice?
Or, do you know your niche, who your audience is, what your purpose is, and are comfortable with your authentic voice, but you're struggling with:
your social media presence?
connecting with your target audience?
collaborating with other authors/experts?
growing your email list?
Do you have an idea for a book, but you are struggling with:
Organizing your thoughts?
developing an outline?
writing your manuscript?
Have you written your book, but now you need to figure out how to:
Organize your book launch?
Build a launch team?
Get reviews?
Create bonuses for your launch team?