Holiday Boundaries: Balance

By: Published on: 28/12/2022

As the Holiday Season is coming to an end and the New Year has our attention and focus, let me encourage you to seek balance in your own life. You might not be a ridiculously driven Type A personality like me, but whatever your personality is, I hope you take the time to sit down, reflect on the year behind you, and think about how to achieve balance in your world this year.

Holiday Boundaries: Balance

Holiday Boundaries: Eliminating Chaos

Holiday Boundaries: Eliminating ChaosBy: Kristen Neighbarger Published on: 13/12/2022

We were watching Christmas Vacation and decorating the tree, and I had forgotten the chaos in that house during the few days we see of their Christmas Season. While I was laughing on the outside, part of me was cringing a little on the inside. So much of this season can be complete and utter chaos. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never fried a cat on Christmas lights, tried to cut down a pine tree and sent it through the neighbors’ window, had Cousin Eddie kidnap my boss, or even eaten cat food in my jello. Thankfully. But, I’m not a stranger to the chaos that comes with the Christmas Season. I’m guilty of overscheduling. I’m guilty of opening my house to everyone and their brother. I’m guilty of volunteering and overcommitting to way too much. I’m definitely guilty of trying to meet everyone’s needs and make everyone happy.

Holiday Boundaries: Eliminating Chaos