Boundaries in Friendships: Healthy Relationships

Boundaries in Friendships: Healthy RelationshipsBy: Kristen Neighbarger Published on: 24/05/2023

When I left for college at the ripe old age of 18, I remember being equally excited, hopeful, and anxious. Up until that point, my school experiences had been those of a small rural school district. Everyone knew everyone, and the odds were likely that you were related, even if distantly, to at least half of your classmates. I spent my middle school and high school summers attending various church camps and conferences, so it only made sense to me that Christian college would be like church camp on steroids. Everyone would love Jesus. Everyone would be friendly. The heavens would obviously open, and angels would descend and bless everyone with kindness and goodness on a daily basis. *cue angelic choir music* Yeah, so that wasn’t really my Christian college experience.

Boundaries in Friendships: Healthy Relationships