If I had to make an educated guess, I would assume there are some of you reading this and thinking you don’t have a passion. I’ve heard that from so many people. The thing is, God created each of us as unique individuals with unique interests and passions. Sometimes, it just takes a little understanding to see what that passion is or to acknowledge it and put voice to it. Why? Because Satan is a jerk. He’s the father of lies. His entire purpose on this earth is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Consequently, his goal is to convince you that God hasn’t given you a passion, that he can’t/won’t use you, and that you are unqualified and unworthy. Does that hit home with anyone?
One thing I’ve realized over the last few years is that I have a finite amount of energy every day. Don’t get me wrong, some days I have more energy than others, and some days I can get an artificial boost from a cup of coffee or a super-healthy energy drink, but for the most part, the amount of energy I have to expend every day stays pretty similar. Knowing that I only have a finite amount of energy for each day, I started thinking about what I was spending that energy on.
When we got divorced, I had to run my credit report to even get an idea of what my situation was because I had no access to any of our accounts. I was an authorized user on 23 credit cards. 3 credit cards were in my name only. There were hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt on those credit cards alone. Thankfully, by the grace and guidance of God, I can tell you I made it out of that mess, canceled the credit cards, somehow managed to get out from under that debt, and rebuilt my credit. But, it wasn’t easy. It took me several years, budget spreadsheets, payment plans, maintaining a ridiculously strict budget, and intense frugality. Because I never want you to go through the financial nightmare I went through, let me offer you some suggestions on how to focus your finances.
This is the time of year when people spend time and money attempting to shift focus to new goals and new priorities. Don’t get me wrong here–there is absolutely nothing wrong with investing in yourself and making positive changes in your life. Those should always be somewhere close to the top of our priority lists. This isn’t about simple self-reflection and goal setting. This is about the kind of self-reflection and goal-setting that results in our thoughts running roughshod through our brains and causing us to become dangerously critical and even obsessive and compulsive.